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Resolving Conflict: A Satnam Rasayan Training

Conflict is all too common and way too stressful. 

When it arises, we get triggered. This looks like getting defensive, aggressive or shutting down & disconnecting. Life doesn’t actually have to be that way. We can disagree without taking it personally, feeling slighted or attacked. We can be with each other despite having differences. We just need to learn how.

Through the Sat Nam Rasayan healing approach, you will learn how to relate to blocks, limitations, and resistance that occur when there are two (or more) differing points of view. Sat Nam Rasayan is based on a state of consciousness that allows you to go into deep, deep relaxation and silence. When you learn to reside in this sacred space of healing, you are able to allow what is without judgement, fear, or opinion. It becomes possible to relate to both  polarities of the conflict from a place of neutrality. In this space, consciousness is allowed to move, expand, and change so that the blocks that one experiences in their health and well being can dissolve. In this space, it is difficult to hold onto dis-ease or your habitual reactions to conflict..

Sat Nam Rasayan, an ancient healing approach, is based on inner silence which allows others to be who they are and even more important, allows us to be who we are.

When we treat one another with Sat Nam Rasayan, which is what happens in a workshop, we enter a meditative state with space for all that is. When resistance and discomfort have nothing to resist against, there can be a release, a freedom from where we were blocked.

Who is this workshop for:

This workshop is suitable for beginners, more advanced meditators, and those who want healing for themselves as well as to serve others. The weekend retreat will include meditations in the Kundalini Yoga tradition. They are an uplifting approach to shift the consciousness, release stress, and achieve a state of silence. The quieter you can get your mind to be, the more aware you are. The more aware you are, the more you can relate to and support its release.

In the workshop you will have the opportunity to heal and be healed. Working with a partner, one person is the healing practitioner and the other receives the healing. Then we switch, so that everyone learns the healing approach as well as experiences what it is like to receive a Sat Nam Rasayan healing session.

People describe the workshops as very calming, uplifting and expansive.

SNR has been described as ultra-relaxation. When a person is that relaxed, it’s difficult to hold dis-ease. Through the Sat Nam Rasayan healing space, we will increase our awareness of how conflict affects us. We focus on releasing what holds us in a place of reaction to conflict. As we treat one another in class, this will support coming into alignment with the self and opening up to being more fully alive – and at peace.

About the facilitator:

Hargopal is a senior yoga teacher with over 50 years of experience. She has been practicing Kundalini Yoga since the 70s and Sat Nam Rasayan in the 80s. She was one of the first students of Guru Dev Singh, studying with him before SNR even had a name. Hargopal Kaur Khalsa worked in the aerospace industry for many years and now devotes her time to teaching Sat Nam Rasayan®, yoga and meditation; facilitating family constellations (ancestral healing); and serving clients. She has compiled books based on Yogi Bhajan’s teachings about life, death, and the laws of nature. Hargopal is currently working on a book about mantras used in the Kundalini Yoga tradition. Read a short article about Hargopal here.

The Schedule:


4pm-6pm: Arrival and check in, light dinner is served.

6:00-9:00pm: Evening class and introduction.

9:00pm: Evening gong or fire outside/sauna


5:00-7:30am: Sadhana

7:30am-9:00am: Breakfast, and rest

9:00am-10:00am: YOGA

10:00-1:00pm: Sat Nam Rasayan Class

1:00-2:30pm: LUNCH & REST

2:30-6:00pm: Sat Nam Rasayan Class

6:00-8:00pm Dinner 

8:00-9:00pm: Evening meditation and/or gong


5:00-7:30am: Sadhana

7:30-8:30: Breakfast

8:30-9:30: YOGA

9:30-1:30pm: Sat Nam Rasayan Class

1:30-2:00: Light Lunch and Departure*

*Optional Spa Trip for those who want to and/or private treatments.

Book a private session with Hargopal

Sat Nam Rasayan (SNR) is an ancient healing art based on relating to a sacred space, a meditative state that is transcendent. This subtle healing relaxes people at such a deep level that blocks and contractions dissolve. This allows a person to release conditions and self-limiting concepts, which are not in alignment with the Self. As a client, you will be receptive, lying down and may feel energy moving. You can choose if there is something you would like to focus on specifically or allow the practitioner to see what emerges. During a session some people fall asleep. You may be aware that stress and tension are releasing. Sessions will take place throughout the weekend retreat and last 45 minutes. Please inquire. (Cost $200)


Sat Nam Rasayan Workshop Fee: $695* (includes lunch/drinks/snacks Sat/Sun), Early Bird rate: $595 (if booked & paid in full before September 25th).

Accommodation @ the SEED Lodge: $295 (includes semi private room/shared bathroom/all meals and use of sauna). Please add $200 for a private room.

Please add HST.

*Workshop fees might qualify for psychotherapy coverage under some insurance plans. If you would require this, please let us know on your application form.

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