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Equinox Reset: Kundalini Yoga & Art Therapy Retreat

“If you don’t know where you are going, how do you ever expect to arrive?”

When life gets busy, it’s easy to lose sight of who you are and what your bigger life purpose is (we are talking about the existential good stuff). While you may have a job/career/life that you like, the more creative parts of your being tend to get forgotten in the day-to-day.

Sometimes you need to step out of your daily life, so that you can remember who you really are.

The Equinox retreat is your chance to reconnect to yourself, get clearer on what is important to you and then consciously create the road map for what you would like to manifest in the next quarter, the next 6 months, or your entire life. Through the immersive and transformation practices of Kundalini yoga, breathwork, meditation and art therapy, you will be able to access deeper parts of your being so that you can express your soul’s true desires. 

The two solstices (winter and summer) and the two equinoxes (spring and autumn) mark the beginning of each season. During this time any meditation, contemplative practice, conscious reflection and visioning that we do is amplified. Coming together and sharing these visions outloud with a supportive community helps bring them to life. 

Equinox Visioning Retreat happens twice a year.
Think of it like a “soul” check in… you get to ask yourself:

“Am I aligned with my true self and following my path?”

Do you:

  • Long to have a space to connect to yourself deeply?

  • Are going through major life changes and don’t have a clear idea of the road ahead OR

  • are thinking of a career change and want to explore other career/life paths

  • Have projects that you dream of doing, but never can find the time or energy

  • Need a kick start to get your creative ideas into action

  • Want to do a “check in” of your current life, as well as create calm and clarity for the future

  • Have big dreams and want to put them in motion

  • Want a supportive community to support you and hold you accountable 

  • Want to learn techniques and practices to help you stay focused and connected to yourself when you return to your ‘regular’ life

This retreat will help you:

  • Connect to who you really are.

  • Access your deep intuition and your soul’s purpose.

  • Create the road map of your life for the next 3 months, 6 months, & one year ahead.

  • Name the actionable steps so you can manifest your visions in the 3_D.

  • Learn art therapy and yogic tools and techniques that break through creative blocks and get your juices flowing!

  • Be held in a supportive community and have fun in the process: all seeds need good soil to grow :) 

  • Have two times a year to reset, get clear, and focused. Equinox retreats happen twice a year. These are some of the most powerful times to re-align to your true self and purpose.

Retreat Schedule:

Friday: Arrive and Find Ground.

2pm: Arrival and Check in. Tea and snacks are served.

5:30: Yoga and Meditation for setting intentions

7:30pm: Dinner

9:00pm: Relaxing Gong Bath 

Saturday: Clearing and Facing the Shadows

6:00-7:30am: Sadhana (morning breathing/meditation practice)

7:30-10:00: Breakfast and Free time

10:00: YOGA & MEDITATION: Clearing the space.

11:30: Art Therapy: Create the Road map of your life. 

1:00pm:  LUNCH & REST/Free time

4:00: Evening Yoga/Breathwork or Meditation

7:00: Dinner

9:00: Fire casting off (outside) and Invoking in.

Sunday: Vision the Future: Plant one seed.

6:00-7:30am: Sadhana (morning breathwork and meditation practice)

7:30-10:00: Breakfast and Free time

10:00: Yoga 

11:15: Art Therapy for Visioning/Dreaming

12:30: Closing Circle

1:00: LIght lunch and Farewell.


$750 (includes semi-private room with shared bathroom/showers and all meals for three days/two nights).

For a private queen room with ensuite add an additional $250.

September 7

SEED Lodge Open House & Health Fair

October 20

A Room of One’s Own